Thursday, January 3, 2013

OIA is not certified with WebLogic 10.3.6

Oh my god! I had struggled for 2 days deploying OIA on WebLogic 10.3.6 in Linux environment. I was hitting the below exception during deployment.

message : Cannot construct com.vaau.commons.util.fileUtils.FileUtils$WrappedFile as it does not have a no-args constructor
cause-exception : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ObjectAccessException
cause-message : Cannot construct com.vaau.commons.util.fileUtils.FileUtils$WrappedFile as it does not have a no-args constructor
class : com.vaau.commons.util.fileUtils.FileUtils$WrappedFile
required-type : com.vaau.commons.util.fileUtils.FileUtils$WrappedFile

I'd tried several troubleshooting methods by following OIA Admin & install guides for replacing the stax jar versions, modifying the configuration xmls such as dataaccess-context.xml, conf-context.xml etc.,, without success.

Finally, I had installed WLS 10.3.5, created a domain and deployed OIA and it just took hardly 20 mins for this whole process to work.

Guys, I hope this post will help you save lot of time if you're hitting the same issue.


  1. Hey,
    Have you found official confirmation of this lack of forward compatibility? Also this hasn't been fixed by a BP?

  2. An updated version(1.4) of xstream fixes this issue, add this to /WEB-INF/lib and also specify prefer-web-inf-classes true in the weblogic.xml file
