Sunday, October 10, 2010

Configuring Oracle Access Manager 11g

This post covers the Configuration part of Oracle Access Manager 11g. To know about installing and configuring the Oracle Identity and Access Management, check the previous post .

Configuring Oracle Access Manager 11g contains the steps for creating a WebLogic domain which has OAM Admin Server, EM consoles etc., deployed in WebLogic server.

First step is to run the present in the location /common/bin.
 We are just configuring the OAM alone, hence we have selected Oracle Access Manager with Database Policy Store.A database policy store offers more security measures that can be layered based on the storage, thereby ensuring higher resiliency to corruption and better high availability. We have also selected Oracle Enterprise Manager here.
When you select the Oracle Access Manager with Database Policy Store - [Oracle_IDM2] option, the Oracle JRF - [oracle_common] option is also selected, by default.

 Specify a Domain name.
 Specify the weblogic user password.

 Specify the Service Name of the database, database hostname, database port. Select the OAM Infrastructure component for configuring the JDBC schema.
 Test the JDBC connection.

Start the WebLogic admin server using present in the location Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/oam_domain

Access the WebLogic administration console, http://host:port/console
 Start the OAM Access Server, run with parameter as oam_server1 as shown below.

Access the OAM console using http://host:port/oamconsole. Login as weblogic user.
This completes the OAM Configuration and now you can play with this product.

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